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Fascinating Butt Facts You Didn’t Know

Butts have always been life’s greatest center of humor. However, they are a useful part of our body as well. The butt contains the largest and most superficial muscle in the body that helps with balance and support. It is important in helping the body to regain the erect position after stooping. It is also an important muscle in exercises such as squats, lunges, step-ups, hip thrust exercises, glute-ham raises and split squats. Despite its function, the butt is also surrounded by many hilarious and helpful facts.

#1. Women With Big Butts Are Smarter

A study done in 2008 by the University of Pittsburgh and the University of California concluded that women with big booties are smarter compared to those with smaller ones. 16,000 women were studied at Santa Barbara. They included women with distinct butt sizes. These women were given cognitive tests. It was found that women with big butts consistently outsmarted the women with small behinds. Researchers concluded that it was because women usually carry essential omega-3 fatty acids in their hips and butts. These essential acids are responsible for promoting brain growth. Therefore, the bigger the butt, the smarter the woman.

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